Wednesday, June 15, 2016

It's now less than two weeks before I leave and I should be super excited and nervous...
Instead I'm angry and exasperated.
I am the first person with medication needs to go on this scholarship, and so far I think it's INSANE.
I filled out the Yakkan Shoumei, I got a chest x-ray for tuberculosis, I got tons of new immunization shots and I've called my doctor, my endocrinologist, and my insurance more times than I would like to ever again.
Now, today was the start date for my insurance override. I have to go purchase 10 months worth of insulin, because my insurance won't cover it should I need any in Japan. Not only is this incredibly stressful for me, but I can't even bring 10 months supply. Because of regulations, I can only bring 2 months supply into Japan upon my entry. This means that my mom or dad will have to store (in their fridge, because insulin is heat-sensitive) the other 8 months supply, and ship some to me every two months.
More about that later. Now, I called the place I pick up insulin from to ask if they had my order ready. The woman on the phone replied that they had 6 bottles for me.
I go through 4 bottles PER MONTH. What exactly am I supposed to do with six bottles?
Now, I just had to call my doctor again, ask for the prescription again, and might still have to call my insurance company AGAIN.
This wouldn't be that bad, if the override (allowing me to get more insulin than my monthly quota) was more than 3 days long.
Now, back to the Yakkan Shoumei.
I wouldn't mind filling out the forms to bring my diabetic supplies into Japan, if I didn't have to fill them out every time someone in my family sends me a shipment with more supplies. (If any of you are unfamiliar with shipping costs to Japan, DON'T LOOK IT UP, it'll make you want to cry).
If you are diabetic, or have any medication needs, be prepared to have to do like 7x the work that everybody else did, just because you were born differently.
So, yes, today I am angry. Tomorrow I will probably be bitter. Give me a week and I'll feel better about this, but for now, don't expect me to be super happy 24/7.

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